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Began in the culturally rich city of Ajmer, where I was born into a Brahmin family. From early years through schooling, Ajmer provided the backdrop for my formative experiences. As I grew, educational path led me to Muradabad, where I pursued a degree in Dentistry. However, woven into the fabric of my upbringing was a strong current of spiritual learning that flowed from childhood into my present. This unique blend of cultural heritage, educational pursuits, and spiritual grounding has laid the foundation for the person I have become today.

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Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing is an ancient practice that harnesses the vibrational frequencies of crystals to promote balance, alignment.

Tarot Reading

Tarot reading is a dynamic practice that delves into the depths of our subconscious, revealing the tapestry of emotions.


We are so confident in our quality that our course will definately meet your expectations and will help you succeed in your life.

Chakra Balancing

Harmony for the Mind, Body, and Soul. As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else.A balanced crown chakra, promotes spiritual connection and higher consciousness.

Geomancy (Land Site Recce)

Geomancy is a complex and rich divinatory system that requires study and practice for mastery.It will help you to build a Successful Business Space or Factory Unit or Better &Peaceful home.

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga is an act that unites the body with the soul. It is a means through which we can attain inner peace.Liberate your body and mind with our specially designed classes of yoga and meditation.


The journey of spiritual awakening for me was deeply rooted in my family, where my father’s interest in Numerology & Astrology and my mother’s involvement in mantras, reading, and watching Ramayana laid the initial foundation. A pivotal moment arrived when I survived a life-altering accident, which granted me a near-death experience (NDE). This incident opened the door to a new realm of consciousness, as visions and profound thoughts began to permeate my being. Despite my initial dismissal of these experiences, life continued to unfold.. Following a path of dentistry and embracing the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood, the whispers of the spiritual realm persisted. During my clinical practice, an unexpected encounter occurred – a call from angels that resonated deeply. This moment marked a turning point, compelling me to step away from dentistry and heed the beckoning of my spiritual journey. Choosing to follow this calling, I embarked on a new chapter, dedicating myself to spirituality as a vocation and a means of serving society. This progression, from casual encounters with spirituality to a profound and conscious commitment, reflects a remarkable spiritual awakening that has transformed not only my personal path but also the lives of those I touch.

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"तस्माद्यस्य महाबाहो निगृहीतानि सर्वश:।
इन्द्रियाणीन्द्रियार्थेभ्यस्तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता ॥

The Person who has power to control his senses, will definitely have a stable mind..

भावार्थ :
अत: हे महाबाहु! जिस पुरुष की इन्द्रियाँ अपने- अपने विषयों से सब प्रकार से विरत होकर उसके वश में है, उसी की बुद्धि निस्सन्देह स्थिर है।

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Steps into a realm where Healing is more than a mere word – it’s a promise we make to everyone who seeks solace within these virtual walls. Our mission is to provide a nurturing space that honors your unique journey, helping you mend, evolve, and flourish..

  • “Aananda” is a Sanskrit term that translates to “bliss” or “joy,
  • Reflecting a sense of inner contentment and happiness.
  • Convey a message of holistic well-being, growth and rejuvenation.
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Welcome to Aananda The Healing Hub – A sanctuary of restoration & growth. At our core, we believe in the transformative power of healing.

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Ludhiana, Punjab, INDIA




